"SILVER DAWN MIX" 34", very early bloom time. The first to flower here. Exclusive blend ofruffled crepe paper-like luscious early blossoms. Complimenting blends of cream pastels, apricots, pinks and soft yellows. Each plant is different so get more than one to truley enjoy their beauty. To see some cool stamenoides, double click on the above photo, like strings of yarn!
price $14.00
"LULLABY" 47", very late. Just opening here on June 17th. Large, full double of the lightest blush pink fading to white. Dense glossy foliage.
price $ 16.00
'SARAH BERNHARDT' 34" mid season bloomer. This one is just starting to open, very wow.
Mildy fragrant, large blossoms of rose pink, edge a little lighter, some red flecking on central petals. It was introduced in 1906!
Price $ 14.
"BRIDES' DREAM" 26-28" midseason bloomer. Creamy white Japanese with pale yellow center. Very unique. Very spicy fragrance.
price $ 15.00
"CHERRY LUAU" 28" mid season bloomer. Twisted, fluted and ruffled petals are splotched & streaked in w/red in random patterns. Very attractive in arrangements.